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‭AUTUMN RIDGE HOMEOWNERS’ ASSOCIATION INC.‬ ‭Board of Directors Meeting Minutes ‭Monday, September 9, 2024‬ ‭7:00 PM‬ ‭ Ebenezer United Methodist Church, 161 Embrey Mill Road, Stafford, VA 22554‬ ‭ 1. ‭Call to Order‬ ‭: President, Melissa, called the meeting‬‭ to order at 7:01PM.‬ Welcome and Introductions‬ ‭: Melissa welcomed everyone‬ ‭and the Board introduced ‭themselves.‬ ‭a.‬ ‭Melissa Scheiman, President‬ ‭b.‬ ‭Dale Jones, Vice President‬ ‭c.‬ ‭Barbara Rice, Treasurer‬ ‭d.‬ ‭Abigail Feldman, Member-at-Large‬ ‭e.‬ ‭Stephanie DeMarco, Secretary‬ ‭f.‬ ‭Courtney Van Buren, Member-at-Large‬ ‭g.‬ ‭Adam Bartolomeo, Member-at-Large‬ ‭h.‬ ‭Alexis Guevara, Autumn Ridge’s new Landmarc Community Manager‬ ‭III.‬ ‭Verification of Quorum‬ ‭: Confirmed at 7:02PM.‬ ‭IV.‬ ‭Approval of the Agenda ‭: Approved at 7:02PM.‬ ‭V.‬ ‭Community Comments ‭:‬ ‭a.‬ ‭A resident who lives off Gray Birch Lane inquired about the regulation regarding ‭recreational campers being parked on the streets within Autumn Ridge. There is‬ ‭one specifically, located on River Oak, that has been parked on the street for quite ‭a long time (multiple weeks), blocking the view of oncoming vehicles as well as‬ ‭anything around the curve in the road where it sits. Alexis suggested residents ‭call Stafford County's non-emergency number as the road is under VDOT’s‬ ‭jurisdiction.‬ ‭b.‬ ‭Another resident has offered to volunteer in helping with the Neighborhood‬ ‭Watch initiative.‬ ‭c.‬ ‭Residents inquired about Autumn Ridge’s regulation on noise levels. There have‬ ‭been some loud Parties with issues vehicles double parking and blocking‬ ‭mailboxes. Again, residents are directed to call the non-emergency number ‭540-658-4400 to report incidents of noise levels after 10pm and concerns on‬ ‭VDOT’s roadways that are our streets.‬ ‭d.‬ ‭Speeding within the neighborhood was briefly discussed. Stafford County can put‬ ‭up official signs. Speed bumps are highly unlikely to be installed due to the risk‬ ‭of snow plows tearing them up each year. A traffic calming study is anticipated to‬ ‭occur; the results will dictate what level of action Stafford will take. ‬‭VI.‬ ‭ Approval of Minutes ‭: Minutes were approved by the Board and Community members at ‭7:18 PM, and seconded by Dale.‬ ‭VII.‬ ‭Office Reports‬ ‭:‬ ‭a.‬ ‭Financials‬ ‭: Barbara Rice, Treasurer, gave a report out of the current financials of‬ ‭Autumn Ridge and balance sheet.‬ ‭b.‬ ‭No other Officers’ reports.‬ ‭VIII.‬ ‭Manager’s Report‬ ‭:‬ ‭a.‬ ‭Alexis introduced herself and that she is taking over for Debbie Ouellette. Jezzy is‬ ‭her assistant who may answer if you call.‬ ‭IX.‬ ‭Unfinished Business‬ ‭:‬ ‭a.‬ ‭Autumn Ridge Recreational Courts: Melissa has been in contact with the lawyer‬ ‭from Reese Broom law firm to ensure the legal transfer of property to Stafford‬ ‭County. Melissa gave a brief background for the new residents present at the‬ ‭meeting. In order to transfer the property, it is stated that we must have ⅔ of‬ ‭residents approve and sign off on the action. An electronic option that residents ‭may use to sign may be available through a third party using E-notary for‬ ‭approximately $200. Landmarc would solicit the service for us and would ‭require a scheduled appointment zoom call in order to verify and validate‬ ‭resident’s physical ID. An item to note: all Landmarc employees are notaries.‬ ‭Alexis also noted that each board member can be notified, which could help‬ ‭expedite the process. The process involves signing an application with Stafford‬ ‭County, paying fees, and going to the courthouse to be sworn in and get a stamp.‬ ‭Notarization is required when each resident signs to approve property transfer.‬ ‭Melissa suggested each board member become a notary to record all signatures ‭within a notary logbook.‬ ‭b.‬ ‭Installation of Sidewalks between the basketball courts and Autumn Ridge Park:‬ ‭we are still waiting on the estimate. Dale will follow up with Kyle from Stafford‬ ‭County regarding the estimate of the sidewalk installation project.‬ ‭c.‬ ‭Community Event: Autumn Ridge Family Fun day is still on for October 5th,‬ ‭3:30-6:30pm. Barbara is still on board to help prep the materials for the welcome ‭table and Alexis will provide Vantaca information - how to sign up, and a QR‬ ‭code to click right there.‬ ‭X. ‭New Business‬ ‭:‬ ‭a.‬ ‭Tree removal proposals - Reviewed proposals received; Courtney motioned ‭approval of $3100 cost for two trees and Stephanie seconded it.‬ This meeting was adjourned by Melissa at 7:46PM to enter Executive Session and seconded ‭by Dale. ‬‭XI. ‭Enter Into Executive Session 7:49PM‬ ‭a.‬ ‭Discussion of camper trailer being parked - a quick glance of Stafford County‬ ‭regulation shows that it is illegal to keep the trailer parked for this long on a ‭residential street. ‭b.‬ ‭Family fun day - idea from Dale to advertise to residents there will be a vote on‬ ‭increasing HOA dues up to 25%; . “The board is looking at increasing HOA fees‬ ‭with community input”. Another way to advertise would be to have Landmarc‬ ‭send an email to residents through Vantaca with the details of Family Fun Day‬ ‭and encourage residents to bring their drivers licenses.‬ ‭c.‬ Courtney is requesting brighter lights on autumn ridge signs; Alexis will look into ‭it.‬ ‭d.‬ ‭AR Aging report and collections reviewed.‬ ‭XII.‬ Exit Executive Session and Motion to Adjourn: 8:35PM Stephanie motioned and ‭Dale approved to end the meeting.‬

AUTUMN RIDGE HOMEOWNERS’ ASSOCIATION INC. Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Monday, April 8th, 2024 7:00 PM Ebenezer United Methodist Church, 161 Embrey Mill Road, Stafford, VA 22554 I. Call to Order: Not enough Board members were present at the usual 7PM start time. Board President, Melissa introduced Board of Supervisors Garrisonville District Supervisor, Dr. Yeung and the Director of Stafford Parks and Recreation Mr. Brion Southall to everyone. The meeting was called to order at 7:07PM. ​ II. Welcome and Introductions: President Melissa Scheiman welcomed everyone and introduced the board. a. Melissa Scheiman, President b. Dale Jones, Vice President c. Stephanie DeMarco, Secretary d. Courtney Van Buren, Member-at-Large e. Adam Bartolomeo, Member-at-Large (not present) f. Deonna Cooper, Member-at-Large III. Verification of Quorum: Confirmed at 7:08 PM ​ IV. Approval of the Agenda: Approved at 7:09 PM V. Community Comments: a. Stephanie inquired if anyone knew about the tarps that were laid out behind the Autumn Ridge homes along the paved trail that runs along Eustace and going toward H.H. Poole Middle School. Brion said he will look into it. b. Courtney motioned for Barbara Rice to join the Board. Dale seconded the motion; Dale motioned for Abigail Feldman to join the Board; Stephanie seconded. c. Dr. Yeung and Mr. Southall spoke on the county’s interest in assuming the responsibility of the Autumn Ridge tennis and basketball courts, transferring the land from Autumn Ridge Community (AR) to the County. Should Autumn Ridge proceed with the transfer of property, the County would look to expand the courts, as well as Autumn Ridge Park with the land that would be transferred. The community asked a few questions regarding the design, parking, and how to move forward. Dr. Yeung stated the parks can be designed as the community wants it; She will fight for funding as we need it, for the safety of the citizens. The community is encouraged to attend the Board of Supervisors meetings as a means to obtain our needs. Both Dr. Yeung and Mr. Southall reiterated the fact that they are here to serve us. The Parks & Rec commission unanimously voted for Mr. Southall to pursue this effort with AR, for the County to obtain the responsibility of, and expand upon, the courts and park. i. Mr. Southall briefly mentioned some possible upgrades could include a walking trail, additional courts, upgraded (and repositioned) playground, additional parking and a small dog park. VDOT has many (costly) requirements for the creation of a sidewalk, therefore, it would be beneficial to create a paved trail/path, on the property and not on VDOT easement land, leading from the Park to the Courts, rather than a sidewalk; This will save time and money. ii. There is current existing money which can be used to enable initial implementation soon. iii. The community spoke about the increased traffic over the years, the history of Autumn Ridge development, and safety issues that have occurred in recent years, including a child of Autumn Ridge hit by a car while riding a bicycle to the basketball courts. iv. Mr. Southall explained how the County is moving away from the need to drive to a destination- type-of-park to creating more community-based parks within residential walking distance. v. Dale asked for a permanent building of restrooms to be established. Unfortunately, the county officials’ response is that most of the land (near and underground) Autumn Ridge park is restricted for Dominion power easement and we have limitations in providing a restroom facility. vi. Courtney asked whether we could include a pool and/or clubhouse in the new design. Mr. Southall explained there are additional complications beyond the Dominion Power’s underground easement which include storm water management and occupancy requirements to include parking spaces. vii. A concern was brought to attention whether the County would repurpose the grounds after Autumn Ridge community transitions the land to them. Mr. Southall reassured everyone that the County wants the area to remain as a Park and Courts, and with our District Supervisor’s support that will not happen. If Autumn Ridge were to pursue the transition, we could put into writing our wishes for the grounds. viii. NEXT STEPS: The next steps include clearly identifying the land (to be transitioned), to include the cemetery and a portion of wet rock road. The original Autumn Ridge developer’s proffer would need to be removed and release the requirement for the proffer. Mr. Southall is going to work with the planning and zoning dept to research what is needed to separate the park from the developer’s proffer. If the county releases the requirement, and 2/3 of the community chooses to proceed forward, the work of an attorney will be required to amend governing documents. Currently Autumn Ridge has 8 separate declarations because it was developed in 8 sections. Attorney fees could be brought to the Board of Supervisors for payment request. The land transition and cost to implement the new design must be approved by the Stafford Board of Supervisors. If approved, the savings would be returned to the Autumn Ridge community (whether by reduced HOA cost, or other) and HOA payments would then be adjusted accordingly after review. ix. Regarding the cemetery and portion of Wet Rock Rd. that Autumn Ridge owns, a suggestion was provided to seek the help of maintenance from local nonprofits, such as the boy scouts. ​ VI. Approval of Minutes: Minutes were approved by the Board and Community members 8:12 PM. ​ VII. Officers Reports: a. Financials: Melissa approved and Courtney Seconded. b. No other Officers’ reports. ​ VIII. Manager’s Report The Action Item List was reviewed by Deborah and will be updated after this meeting accordingly. See list for more details. ​ IX. Unfinished Business a. Resource Protected Area (RPA)-This topic will be tabled until next month’s meeting. b. Cost Proposal for RPA Signage: The cost estimate to install each sign is $335.78. ​ X. New Business: ​ a. Tree Removal Proposal -Deborah provided an estimate to remove two trees, per residents’ requests. Melissa made motion to remove trees (2) for $750; Courtney and Dale seconded the motion at 8:18 PM. b. Updated Reserve Study - VA state requires an updated reserve study every 5 years; The cost is $2300 and the HOA can use reserve money to pay for it; Melissa motioned to approve at 8:24PM and Courtney seconded to move the money to pay for the reserve study. ​ This meeting was adjourned by Melissa at 8:24 to enter Executive Sessions and seconded by Dale. ​ XI. Enter Into Executive Session a. Extended Financials - reviewed by Debbie and introduced to new Board members; ​ XII. Note All Actions. a. Brief discussion took place regarding the information provided by Dr. Yeung and Brion Southall. Stephanie will reach out to the County to create a visual design that the HOA can use to present and explain the changes to residents so that they may vote to proceed forward. We will seek to have the county to provide flyers of options, overlay possibilities, etc. b. The Autumn Ridge website and Facebook social media page will be updated with Parks & Rec updates and information as it develops. ​ XIII. Exit Executive Session and Motion to Adjourn: 8:59 PM Melissa motioned and Dale approved to end the meeting.


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